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about the blog

a place to put my thoughts

i have a bunch of thoughts and i need a place to put them. i was orginally gonna use zonelets but it's easier to do it on my own website. the newest post will always be at the bottom.

first post [3/27/23]

first things first

im honestly surprised at how much i got done on this website in such a short time. this stolen template from 2009 is really doing wonders for me lol. i apologize if this website is hard to read on big screens. i also apologize for the entire website for being off to the side. the main part of the template [the white part] is made up of two separate backgrounds. the first is the picture and the words underneath. the other part is a small part of the blank background repeated across the y-axis. i don't mind that it's off to the side but part of me does wish it was centered...

dnb vs breakcore [3/31/23]

a realization

i randomly found an underground jungle playlist and decided to give it a listen. i helped me realize that i prefer jungle/dnb over breakcore. don't get me wrong, breakcore has a lot of good songs that i like. but i prefer jungle because the sound isn't as hard-hitting as breakcore. it's a lot easier for me to listen to. here's a link to the playlist.

inactivity [6/4/23]

sorry for the silence...

happy pride month to whoever it pertains to! I really haven't been working on this site due to lack of motivation. i always think about updating the blog but never get around to doing it. maybe it's cause i don't write my ideas down. i'll try to make more of an effort to updating more. i was planning on making e-shrines about my favorite things but im not sure on how to go about doing it. anyway, think of this post as an apology for my silence! one unrealated thing i've realized is how jungle/dnb makes me want to gnaw on something??? idk what it is but it makes me want to gnaw on something plastic n' hard. i tried looking it up online but i didn't really get much info. maybe i'm just weird. i've honestly been considering getting one of those hard sensory chew toy things. well, i think that's all i have to say for now. i've used my brain to much today ;3 - here's a link to the playlist in question if anyone wants it!

inactivity (again) [8/6/23]

long post ahead

once again, i have come back to this site after a break. although im not sure whether or not to call it a break though. i tend to lose motivation easily, especially when it comes to learning new things and improving. i try to set schedules for myself but the only thing im good at is telling myself to get up and go outside to walk everyday. for the most part, i just sleep, eat, and listen to music. even video games are getting kinda boring mow. normally i would long for school to comes around so i can stop being bored but the fact that i have to take the SATs this year makes me want to cry. i hate having a birhday so close to the end of summer. however, thats enough sad rambling. i wanna thank lain for following my site! i had been meaning to thank you for sometime now but i didn't have the motivation to update the site. really nothing too exciting had been happening this summer, except for my yearly july mental breakdown. my parents said we would be driving up to canada sometime this week, but im not really in the mood to go. if i turn down the offer i know my mom is gonna complain about me not going out more or something like that. anyway, i managed to snag project diva mega mix plus during steam's summer sale so im pretty happy about that. in terms of the website, don't expect regular updates. my lack of motivaton gets the best of me so if don't update for a while, then you know why. for all the people who check the website regularly, thanks for sticking around.

hello yes it's me i am alive yes [3/13/24]

just an update

even though i haven’t updated in two months, it feels a lot longer than that. many things have happened in those two months, including important testing i had to do this week. however, i won’t try and dwell on those for too long. instead, i’ll focus on the highlights so that the netizens stumbling upon my website and its secrets (more like a singular secret) don’t think my life is always sad n gloomy. it’s quite the contrary. i just tend to get pretty miserable every now and then.

but enough about that. one pretty big highlight of these last two months was going on a three-day trip with some of my friends from school. granted, it was a “business” trip. it was like a seminar of sorts. the main goal was to learn some things to help benefit our school and better our community. lots of different speakers came in and told us their life stories and whatever lesson they were tryna push. we got to stay in a hotel that the school had paid for. it was a huge event too when kids from different schools across my state.

some smaller highlights from these past few months would be doing well in school. in particular, my usa history teacher gave me a 100 on my three-page paper. he had said it was one of the best, if not the best papers he had read in his 2 years of teaching (he’s young). when i was younger, i never cared for writing. but, now that i’ve gotten older and my vocabulary has grown, i’ve been able to write papers and essays more easily. to tell you the truth, my vocabulary is kinda a source of pride for me. i like being able to give definitions of words that my friends and classmates may not know.

that’s pretty much what i’ve been up to for these last few months (for those who care of course). i could probably talk about all the uta no prince sama content that i've found illegally totally legally bought for myself but i’ll save those ramblings for another day. maybe i might make a page dedicated to my thoughts on the series. well, until next time. - aimii